We are stocking and supplying seamless steel tubes for different fields of applications and industrial sectors in the dimensions you require as random lengths, fixed lengths and with mitre joints if requested by the customer.

Dimensional range seamless steel tubes

outside diameter: 21.3 mm to 660 mm
wall thickness: 3.2 mm to 100 mm

Fields of application

steel construction EN 10210-1/2, material S355J2H
mechanical engineering EN 10297-1, material E355+AR and material E355+N
pressure applications EN 10216-3, material P355N and DIN 2448/1629 material ST52.0

In our ERP system, each individual length is managed with details of the heat number and the corresponding inspection certificate, so that we can provide you with detailed information on the available materials at any time.

Hoberg & Driesch Stahlrohr GmbH | Am Blumenkampshof 67 | D-47059 Duisburg | Fon.: +49 (0)203 28916 0 |